Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Santa...

Deklan dictated a letter to Santa last night, and through me, we got it written down and ready to send to the North Pole. He was probed with questions of what he would want to say, and the rest is all Deklan.

"Dear Santa,

Very Christmas! I was...have been NICE! May I please have a drum set? I would like a blue one. I want a cymbol. Bring Blakely some undies. Blakely is my sister. She's been nice, Santa. I love my mom and dad. I want some big bowls for my kitchen. I guess Blakely should get a teddy bear, and I will get a drum set and my mom and dad can have a lantern. Why do you have a beard? I also want a sink for my kitchen, and a toilet for my kitchen and don't forget about soap. I will call you.

Good-bye Santa
For Deklan"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Honk if You're Flying South!

I pointed out some geese honking, and flying over our heads today to Deklan while we were outside. I tried explaining to him how geese fly south for the winter.

"When it gets cold, geese will fly south to a warmer place."
He was silent.
We went to Phoenix last year and he associates that with warm weather, so I tried again.
"Once it gets cold here, the geese have to fly down to Phoenix to stay warm."
Deklan: "How do they get there?"
"They fly..." I said, to which he stopped walking, looked up at me in awe and replied "like on a Geese Airplane!?"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Welcome Back!

I'm welcoming myself back to my blog, since it has been a while. I guess Deklan hasn't said anything funny in a long time... :o) just kidding. He makes me laugh daily with his remarks. Blakely is still demanding and I'm not sure if her knew ability to speak actual word clusters works in our favor or not. She loves to take Deklan to school with me and wear her backpack and screams if she's carried and doesn't get to 'walkt' by herself. She loves shoes and picks out her own every day- and don't try to get her to wear anything but what she picks out. We have yet to get her to sleep through the night without waking (yes I realize she is almost 2). We never had this problem with Deklan. They are two polar opposites for sure. I think she is deliberately waking to try to squeeze one more second of attention from us and away from her brother. Deklan is in the 'nightmare' phase and can recall his dreams better than I can most nights. He tells them in exact detail, despite how 'weird' dreams can be. And his recollection is always in vivid, story format, with actions and all. It's quite entertaining.

Deklan told me the other day, "Mom, I tell you I love you so much because I like you!"
Blakely told me the other day, "HUH-AHH!" and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that.....

The Better to Trick-or-Treat With My Dear

Halloween2009, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

So, once again, I forced my children to dress in 'themed' costumes this year. Deklan really wanted to be the Big Bad 'Wuff" so the natural thing to do was ask Blake if she would like to be Little Red Riding hood. She shook her head yes, so that was that. Since I had to make a wolf costume, my logical thinking was to cover up as much of it as possible....hence the nightgown and the look of the Grandma. Deklan didn't quite get it at first, but after he saw pictures of the story he accepted it as the only way he was going to get to be the 'wuff'.

X-Men Anyone?

DSC00955, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Nick and I decided to go out for Halloween this year. He could think of nothing he'd rather be than the Wolverine, so I of course had to follow the theme. Mystique was a bit risque for me, but thought it would be funny to try. Here I am with my best Rebecca-Romijn-foot forward.

"The Stool"

Kind of hard to see, but here are two deep grooves into the history book of Blakely's life so far. The stool held onto the little buckteeth and yanked them out from the roots. Yeeeouch!!

Blake's teeth

Blake's teeth, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

A picture of Blakely's teeth....I'm beginning to forget about them... :o(

Blakely in the ER

Blakely in the ER, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

For those that never saw pictures (or heard about it) Blakely knocked her two front teeth out via falling off of, and then head banging, a wooden stool. Here she just waking up from a snooze in the ER once she finally got some pain medicine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Deklan's 1st Day of Pre-school

IMG_3781, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Deklan went to his 1st day of preschool this morning. He went for about a month and a half last year after he turned 3 in March and loved it. He will get to go all year this year in the 3 year old class and then next year he will go again but in the 4 year old class. He goes in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He was very excited to go this morning, although he really wishes he could take a bus instead of walk.

When he got home, I said to him "wow you must be really old to get to go to pre-school!" and he gigled and replied, "noooo I'm not...GRANDPAS are OLD!"

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wagon O' Kids

IMG_3234, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Blakely and Deklan on a wagon ride- Blakely's favorite thing besides swinging.

Please Keep Your Hands and Feet Inside the Moon At All Times...

Deklan loves to look at the moon every night and gets excited when he can see it in the sky before it is even dark out. Early this evening, Deklan spotted the little moon out the living room window. Deklan began to jump on the couch, telling me he was jumping on the moon. That got his brain thinking even more, and he stopped and said, 'If I was on the moon, would I fall OFF of the moon?' I told him no, that the moon is much bigger than what we see out our window and he would not just 'fall off' the moon.

His energetic reply: "But what if a BEE flew and HIT ME in the cheek!? Would that make me fall off the moon?"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Deklan's New Book

Deklan's cousin, Regan, gave him a hard-covered spiral notebook during our trip to Fort Collins recently. This notebook is adorned with bright colors and flowers and swirls. When I was at the sink washing a sippy cup in the kitchen, Deklan came in carrying his new notebook. He was at my back as I kept washing the cup when he said, "I love you," in such a sweet little voice. I turned and said, "Thanks Bud, I love you too!" to which he responded, "I was talking about my BOOK!"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blakely's Check-up in Denver

For those who didn't get the update, Blakely had an orthopedic check-up in Denver this last week. They wanted to check on her vertebrae and scoliosis and see if there had been a drastic change since her last x-rays 6 months ago. Despite sending them x-rays that we were told to take ahead of time, they re-x-rayed (can that be a word?) when we got there. Blakely was not cooperating once we left the waiting room, so the x-ray was not the easiest procedure either. She had to stand up for this one, with the tech holding her feet in place so she didn't run away or kick, and I had to stand behind her and hold her arms over her head like she was just learning how to walk. She was screaming her head off, which was evident when we saw the x-ray and it showed a very large, open mouth full of teeth. I'm hoping to get it on a canvas wrap to hang in the house. A neat little way to remember the screams of Blakely :o)

Anyhow, the check-up went well. The doctor said he liked what he saw in her, that she wasn't having any trouble walking, etc. He pointed out that she does have 6 malformed vertebrae (two are fused together at one end, and the others never fully formed and are just half.) He said sometimes it's better to have more than just one malformed vertebrae because they can actually 'balance themselves out' better that way and she may not have as much trouble with her curve. This x-ray also revealed two sets of fused ribs as well. They are fused together at the ends at her spine. This will also need monitoring to make sure her chest cavity is able to grow so her lungs can do so, etc. All in all, he said nothing was bad enough for surgery yet, and we should come back in 6 months.

Blakely will be 18 months old on the 27th and a few days later we go for her 18th month check-up with her new pediatrician. I am fairly emotional about this as I really liked our previous one and she was so good for us during all of Blakely's ordeals, and we miss her already. But I guess a part of life is adapting to I guess I will try. I'll keep you posted ;o)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Story of Our Live's

Looking through recipes of things to make for supper, I came upon one that we had almost all the ingredients to make, except one of course. It always seems like there is that 'one thing' that I have to run to the store for. So, talking out loud, I said, "We'll have to run to the store to get sour cream." (It's ALWAYS sour cream!) Deklan asked which store, and I replied "Decker's.....story of our lives, huh?" Deklan fired back, "Huh AHH...Wal-Mart is the story of our live's.."

Apparently I've used that phrase before...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Greener Grass

Could there have been a worse day for my kids to opt out of naps? It rained a steady, constant shower all day, until early evening. Both kids lay in their beds for more than an hour on a couple occasions, without ever drifting off to sleep. (I know this because each one was always talking or crying the whole time.)

Other than eating Gerber's Pasta Pick-Ups, Blakely's only desire is to go outside and swing, which she could not do because of the weather. She continually brought me her shoes, and mine, signing she wanted 'out' and to 'swing'. I told her it was raining. If the weather had been a little warmer, I would have taken her out in the rain so she knew what I was talking about. I don't think she would have cared. As soon as the sun came out, and she requested it again, I indulged her and we went out. I decided I would push her and push her and push her until she was sick of it, so I wouldn't have to come back out a second time. I kept asking her if she was 'done' and she repeated her new phrase of 'huh-ah' for about 40 minutes; it then was no longer her choice, and I made a parental decision. Besides, I still had to give Deklan a turn. He prefers to 'spin in fast circles' so it only takes him a few times before he is dizzy and done with the swing.

So, on a rainy, dreary day of being stuck in the house, my only wish was to get outside. There I was, finally being able to be out, and all I wanted to do was get inside to get things done and prepare for the week.

The grass is always greener....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Gills

The Gills, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Here we are testing out my new iMac's internal camera using PhotoBooth. Apparently I missed the 'No Shirt' memo...

Deklan & Blakely Summer 2009

IMG_2221, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Dek and Blake on a little foot bridge in Sundance

I Drink Booze at McDonalds

Once upon a time, I thought I had a good idea. Because I try not to drink more than one pop per day, the one I do get I like to keep to myself. I have long said that soda pop is my one vice; I do not chew tobacco, smoke, drink (very often), free-fall from buildings, sell or do drugs, or any other 'not good for you' things. But, I do enjoy a carbonated, high fructose corn-syrup beverage and I look forward to this indulging every day. I strategically plan a time to have my pop (i.e. nap time) when I can sit and enjoy the taste ALONE without having to share drinks with a 3 year old. Not only do I not want to share, but he should not be having pop anyway. The last thing we need is for my 60 cent-per-day habit to turn into another $3,000 dental bill for him.

Some days, I am unable wait for Deklan to take a flighty 5 o'clock nap (he's weening himself out of naps) and I need to have my sanity in a can while he is awake. One particular day (the day the 'good idea' came to me) I had just poured myself a glass of pop when Deklan caught me and asked " Can I have a drink?"
"No." I said......
"Why? Does it have booze in it?"

***Thought bubble: Hmmmm, is this an answer he will just accept and quit begging for a drink? This is PERFECT!***

"Ah..Yes it does. It has booze in it"

I looked at him, questioning what he would say next.
"Oh. Okay."

That was it. It ended there. Wow! What a perfect idea! All I have to say is it has booze in it. For some reason, he realizes he cannot have alcohol (though all the reasons given before as to why he can't have pop have seemed like rubbish to him) so he doesn't even question the possibility of having a sip.

What a great idea....for that one time.

Now, if Deklan ever asks for a sip of my pop, or any drink, any place/any time, and I say 'No' he responds with the question, "Does it have booze in it?"

Like the time we were at McDonalds a few weeks ago...There we were, in the PlayPlace and he decided his chocolate milk was not satisfying to him and he wanted a drink of my Coke. I said 'no' and out popped the loudest response ever

"WHY? DOES YOUR POP HAVE BOOZE IN IT? ARE YOU DRINKING BOOZE MOM?" Previously, I had let Blakely have a sip (she is going through the straw fascination stage, and I am going through the pacifying stage). Don't think Deklan didn't notice from his perch in the mesh-netted PlayPlace. "DID BLAKELY DRINK BOOZE? WHY DID BLAKELY GET TO DRINK BOOZE?"

Whoofta. What a great idea. Lying really doesn't pay, it's true.

Without knowing it, Deklan just won himself free drinks of my pop whenever we're in public, with no fight from me. All to stifle the questions and future rumors about this mom drinking booze in McDonalds and sharing it with her 18 month old.

Gotta's nap time for Blakely, and Deklan is side-tracked making me a pretend hamburger from his restaurant...better go run to the kitchen and steal a drink of my booze :o)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pickerel Lake Cabin

011, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

I just uploaded pictures from our time back at the cabin over the 4th of July. To view these photos click to the left on a picture, or visit our Flickr site to view the set 'Cabin..':

Monday, July 13, 2009

'Why' all the questions?

Deklan is 3 years old. For quite some time, his favorite question has been 'why?' I realize children need to learn how the world works and 'why,' but it is becoming quite a thorn in my side. I feel as if I get nothing done throughout the day, other than answering 'why' questions. Not only are they questions like, 'why is it raining?' but the 'whys' have turned into questions responding to statements from me like the following:

Don't stand on that chair or you might fall off and bonk your head.
(I just told you why)

Take smaller bites. You don't want to choke.
(Because you don't want to choke)

Don't fall down those steps.
(Because you've fallen down steps before and you got hurt and started bleeding and screamed at the sight of a band-aid and continued to cry for the next two hours.)

Don't cut yourself with your scissors.
(Do you want to cut yourself?)

These are all things Deklan can understand at this point, so asking 'why' to a statement of 'Don't cut yourself' is just wasted breath. He knows what happens when a person cuts themselves, and for being a child who freaks out at the sight of his own blood AND the thought of having to wear a band-aid, I would think he would save himself the effort of having to ask why. I'm beginning to think that it is just such an automated response of his, that he just says it without thinking of the answer first.

While we were in the hospital during Blakely's surgery, I read Randy Pausch's book "The Last Lecture" (great, but sad, book!) Randy mentions in there that he instituted a rule in his house for his kids, and that rule was that they were not allowed to ask one word questions. If you want something answered, you must elaborate on 'why' you want to know why, etc.

I decided Deklan's comprehension level might be able to grasp this concept, so I introduced the same rule today: You may not ask one word questions. 'Why?' is a one word question, and I will no longer respond to it. You have to tell me why you are asking 'why?'

Deklan scrunched up his brow, and started nodding his head like he was mulling it over and understanding what I was saying. I continued to work in the kitchen. He turned around and started walking towards the living room, while stating, "I am angry at you."

My immediate, response?


(and for those who are curious, his answer to my one word question was "because you won't let me ask 'why?' anymore.")

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Nose Full of Water

Today was a great day. The weather is finally nice here, so the kids and I, and a couple friends decided to take advantage and meet up at the new water park in Spearfish. Some might wonder why I went back, considering I had nothing good to say about it the first time I went...and this is why:

For months (MONTHS!) this water park has been under construction, and is so strategically placed in Spearfish, right along the interstate, directly in our path to the dreaded Wal-Mart. Sooo approximately 1 to 2 times per week, for approximately 9 months, I have heard Deklan say, "MOM!! Can we go down those slides!!? I want to go down the blue one! Are they open yet? Is it warm enough now? I think it is warm enough now! Can we go down those SLIDES!?? Can I go without you? Mom, look at those swimming pools! Can we go down those slides!?! Are they open yet? When can we go there? CAN WE GO DOWN THOSE SLIDES!!?"

Well the water park finally opened at the beginning of the summer. Yippee I thought, since now there was going to be no way to explain away the millions of children splashing in the water and going down the slides. No more saying it wasn't open yet. Perfect. So I decided to be fun Mom for a moment (just this once) and take my kids to have the time of their life at the oh-so-fun water park. My friend Joni Boner, her nephew Landon, and my kids and I got to the park on a very busy Saturday. First order of business: take Deklan down the big water slides. We hiked over to the slides, only to be turned around by the lifeguard telling us they did not allow lap riders, and Deklan was too short to go alone or on a double tube. Rarrr.... Deklan actually handled this better than I did, but he was not happy and did not understand why he couldn't go on these glorious slides that have been built in his face for so many months. After all, he could go down bigger slides at WaTiki without question. Submitting to defeat, I walked Deklan back to our chairs to get him ready to swim in the baby pool. I blew up his water wings- which he prefers and does very well swimming independently with- and slid them on his arms. Here comes a lifeguard. Oh, how wonderful, they don't allow water wings because they are unsafe. Less safe than sinking to the bottom of the pool? So again, I am angered. I explain my disgust to this lifeguard, snowballing the water wings, and the water slide issue into one big angry complaint. She gladly pointed out to me that there was a huge water jungle gym with slides for little kids to play on. Of course, the only problem to that was there was constant spraying water, and a huge bucket that dumped on everyone's head every 60 seconds. The only way to a slide, was up stairs through a wall of water, and random squirt guns being aimed at your face. I do not have the most daring 3 year old and he doesn't prefer all that water.

We left the water park that day angry and disappointed. It just wasn't very friendly for younger kids; even the lazy river has so much water spraying everywhere the only way I could enjoy it is if I was on fire.

Alas, I went back. I had to see if it was just one bad experience, or not a place for us. Low and behold, we actually had a blast this time. A few different reasons played a part in this. I came prepared with bulky life jackets and no water wings, so that took care of that, though Deklan didn't wear his most of the time and chose instead to swim under water most of the day. 2) In a rare daring move, I decided to take the bulls by the horns and march Deklan back over to the slides and proceed up to the top as if he were tall enough. We grabbed a double tube and up we went, never making eye contact with any lifeguard and moving on our way as if our conscience was clear. It worked- we got to go down the slide. Deklan was very excited. And C) The kids had a blast on the water jungle gym, climbing around and going down all the slides....because there was a problem with the filtration system so they shut off all the spraying water!

Other than the gallon of water that went up my nose and into my brain after going down the red slide, it was a great day!


WOO HOO!, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Yes, you may not be able to tell, but that little blob of fun shooting out of that slide is me. I had no control over my limbs- it shot me out so fast! Apparently this is what I looked like. Again, the picture is a tad smudgy so it's hard to get the full effect.

Swimmin' Buddies!

Swimmin' Buddies!, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Because of the popularity of the following stories via e-mail, I decided to throw them up on the blog for others to enjoy....

May 28, 2009:
Deklan comes into the office and asks to play store. I oblige. He presents his first object, a drum, that he says he's buying for his girlfriend. I asked what his girlfriend's name was.
He paused, and then responded, "well there's more than one."
"More than one girlfriend?"
"Well they will be mad if you can't remember their names."
"I will go ask them their names."
Deklan left the office and I heard him arguing out in the living room, yelling ' I SAID, WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?'
I heard no response from the girls.
Deklan walked back into the store and said promptly, "One of their name's is Bunny Rabbit, one is Orange, and one"
There was a brief pause. He shyly looked up at me in the eyes, and said, "I love them."

He purchased the drum for $7.00, stated he needed it in a bag, and left the store. But I'm not worried, I'll see him again. A man with three girlfriends who only purchased one drum, will be back for more.

June 10, 2009:
To give a background for this short story, I have had to instruct Deklan in the past (and present) to talk loudly when speaking to my mom due to her hearing impairments.

"She can't hear very well because her ears are broken."

I have said this numerous times, as this is the best way I can describe the situation to a once 2 year old, and now 3 year old.

Another thing that has been repeatedly expressed from my mouth is, "Do NOT poop in your pants!"

Two days ago, Deklan comes up beside me at the computer and says boldly, "Mom, are my ears broken?"
"What?" I replied.
"Are my ears broken?......'cuz I just pooped in my pants a little."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blakely's Dirty Cheetos 6/21/09

IMG_1436, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Deklan Fishing 6/21/09

IMG_1432, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Father's Day Fishing

What could be more fun than taking our little kids fishing for Fathers Day!??.....a lot of things, considering they are of the ages of 3 and 1, but we did it anyway.

We decided we would go up into Moskee to a little trout pond called Spotted Tail, to get the kids outside and go fishing. Deklan really enjoys going fishing now that he has his very own Mickey Mouse fishing pole. The roads and trails getting up to Spotted Tail are quite rocky, bumpy and narrow at times, so you have to travel pretty slow and it took us almost two hours to get there. Deklan slept for part of the trip, and then woke up and proceeded to ask the many questions that 3 year olds do...."Where are we now?"....."Where are we NOW?"....."Are we almost there?"...."When are we getting to DragonTales?".."Are we still up in Whiskey (Moskee)?"...."Dad, you're a crazy driver!"......"Don't drive too close to the edge or we'll fall and and break our heads open." (He has his mother's paranoid concern for safety when driving along the edges of ravines and cliffs)

Once we got to Spotted Tail, Deklan got set up first and sat down ready to catch one of the many fish we saw jumping in the pond. He requested a bag of chips and a beer (just kidding about the beer) and he was good to go. Blakely was very excited to be out in the open with all sorts of things to explore. She was quickly set up with Cheetos and had a healthy portion of cheese flavored dirt the rest of the afternoon.

We only caught one fish the entire time we were there- which was only about an hour- but that is a long time dealing with young children toddling around water and eating dirt and rocks. We packed back up and headed out, realizing it was a lot of effort and stress to take our mere two children out of the house, but knowing it was worth it by the dirty, cheesy smiles on our kids faces. Their sleeping heads bobbled around down the rocky, bumpy roads all the way back to Sundance, and Deklan considers it 'a very fun adventure.'

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why Blog?

This blog will hopefully be a solution to a problem of mine....I talk to much. I think I'm one of those people that other people end up regretting talking to. I don't have the ability to answer a simple question without going into an explanation or story about it. This is why I'm terrible at those "All about me" e-mail forwards (see, here I go again) If a question asks simply, "Have you ever roasted a marshmallow?" I answer "Yes...this one time when I was 5....etc" I do the same in conversation.

I attribute this 'flaw' to the fact that I have a, self-proclaimed, great memory and I'm a sentimental sap. So even though I realize you probably don't care to hear about, it brings me joy by simply reminiscing out loud. I have a feeling my future grandkids are going to hate me..... blogging, and getting memories, thoughts, ideas and rambles out on the computer, I may, just MAY, be saving you from hearing them from my mouth. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hi, My name is Missy, and I'm a Blogger.....

Here it first blog..well sort of- I've attempted, on a few other occasions, to capture my thoughts and kiddie stories on-line, but I swear this one will work!! Please continue to check back with us... you never know what crazy things were are capable of, and I might just write about them.