Friday, November 6, 2009

Welcome Back!

I'm welcoming myself back to my blog, since it has been a while. I guess Deklan hasn't said anything funny in a long time... :o) just kidding. He makes me laugh daily with his remarks. Blakely is still demanding and I'm not sure if her knew ability to speak actual word clusters works in our favor or not. She loves to take Deklan to school with me and wear her backpack and screams if she's carried and doesn't get to 'walkt' by herself. She loves shoes and picks out her own every day- and don't try to get her to wear anything but what she picks out. We have yet to get her to sleep through the night without waking (yes I realize she is almost 2). We never had this problem with Deklan. They are two polar opposites for sure. I think she is deliberately waking to try to squeeze one more second of attention from us and away from her brother. Deklan is in the 'nightmare' phase and can recall his dreams better than I can most nights. He tells them in exact detail, despite how 'weird' dreams can be. And his recollection is always in vivid, story format, with actions and all. It's quite entertaining.

Deklan told me the other day, "Mom, I tell you I love you so much because I like you!"
Blakely told me the other day, "HUH-AHH!" and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that.....

1 comment:

  1. Just getting aroung to reading my bloglist. I think Murphy is having nightmares, too, but she doesn't tell us about them. She just wakes up crying a lot lately. Although one night she told us there were spiders in her hair. I have no idea where that came from.
