Monday, July 13, 2009

'Why' all the questions?

Deklan is 3 years old. For quite some time, his favorite question has been 'why?' I realize children need to learn how the world works and 'why,' but it is becoming quite a thorn in my side. I feel as if I get nothing done throughout the day, other than answering 'why' questions. Not only are they questions like, 'why is it raining?' but the 'whys' have turned into questions responding to statements from me like the following:

Don't stand on that chair or you might fall off and bonk your head.
(I just told you why)

Take smaller bites. You don't want to choke.
(Because you don't want to choke)

Don't fall down those steps.
(Because you've fallen down steps before and you got hurt and started bleeding and screamed at the sight of a band-aid and continued to cry for the next two hours.)

Don't cut yourself with your scissors.
(Do you want to cut yourself?)

These are all things Deklan can understand at this point, so asking 'why' to a statement of 'Don't cut yourself' is just wasted breath. He knows what happens when a person cuts themselves, and for being a child who freaks out at the sight of his own blood AND the thought of having to wear a band-aid, I would think he would save himself the effort of having to ask why. I'm beginning to think that it is just such an automated response of his, that he just says it without thinking of the answer first.

While we were in the hospital during Blakely's surgery, I read Randy Pausch's book "The Last Lecture" (great, but sad, book!) Randy mentions in there that he instituted a rule in his house for his kids, and that rule was that they were not allowed to ask one word questions. If you want something answered, you must elaborate on 'why' you want to know why, etc.

I decided Deklan's comprehension level might be able to grasp this concept, so I introduced the same rule today: You may not ask one word questions. 'Why?' is a one word question, and I will no longer respond to it. You have to tell me why you are asking 'why?'

Deklan scrunched up his brow, and started nodding his head like he was mulling it over and understanding what I was saying. I continued to work in the kitchen. He turned around and started walking towards the living room, while stating, "I am angry at you."

My immediate, response?


(and for those who are curious, his answer to my one word question was "because you won't let me ask 'why?' anymore.")


  1. This is great! Just so you know, I look forward to reading these so please continue to post.

  2. oh my goodness that was hilarious! adie
