Sunday, January 9, 2011

We DO Have Another Child!

So far, the only funny things being said or done in this family have basically been done by Deklan. But Blakely has been making a name or herself around here lately and is full of conversation and personality. Of course, since I'm a procrastinator, I have put off writing any of them down and unfortunately have now forgot most of the things Nick and I laughed so hard about with Blakely in the last few months. So here are two from this weekend that I haven't forgotten yet:

After realizing she left her Dora doll at the gym the other night, she suddenly lets out a gasp and cries, "I ah-got (forgot) my DORA DOLLY! She be ALL alone!" (Note: She DID forget her doll, but of course I wouldn't let both kids forget all their new Christmas presents that cost money at the gym, so I strategically took them to the car when they weren't looking...) I said, "Well I guess you better learn to take better care of your toys." Blakely came back with a very dramatic, "But she's my heart!" as she tilted her head to the side and placed her hand over her heart. Silly little girl.

On the way home from that basketball game, she was demanding a drink of pop. When I told her she could not have one, she responded with a very sweet voice, "But your Princess is thirsty!" followed by some eyelash batting.....where do they learn these things!?

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