Friday, August 12, 2011

Funny Pages of Blakely...

Blakely is always using her thinking cap and has really become quite the funny, sarcastic little three year old. I am amazed at what her brain comes up with and Nick and I often find ourselves laughing at her then whispering "holy cow I can't believe she thought of that," etc. Or, more often than that, scolding her and then going around the corner and secretly laughing because whatever she did or said was hilarious!

Some of her thoughts from today:

After waking up, I was hugging Blakely and kissing her cheek. I smelled something and asked her, "pew Blakely, did you toot?" To which she replied, while staring at the TV "'s just my breath."

One of the times she changed clothes throughout the day, she put on a one-piece and asked what it was. She was very confused by the concept of it not being a dress, but not being two different peices (I remember them clearly as the wedgie-suits that I grew up wearing). I told her, "well, it's a romper...or a jumper kind of thing." She gave me the raised eyebrow and Elvis lip and replied dryly, "well I'm not jumping...." as if to say 'duh. this is dumb'. She took it off right after that and found a dress she preferred instead.

Before going to bed, after we said our prayers, Blake came at me with a variety of questions (which she usually does in order to avoid having to sleep or at least post-pone it for a while). First she asked, "Does Jesus live in the attic?" I said "no" he lives in Heaven. Then she said "He can see our house you know......He pwobly has a telescope...."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pick Up Sticks

Blakely's new favorite poem: "one two buckle my shoe, three four shut the door, five six go to the noon..."
Me: "I don't know what that means."
Blakely giggling: "I don't eithuh."

My Son is a Pure Geniun....

Deklan asked me when he was born. I told him "March 8th". He said "AHA! I thought I was born on my birthday, and I was RIGHT!"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Anniversary Day in a (big) Nutshell...

Well, I survived my first airshow as an adult. And I have to say it was actually very interesting and entertaining for me. Nothing like I remember as a child. I just remember having to walk around all day in the sweltering sun. I wasn't too eager to take my kids to this event alone, but having a son who is in LOVE with airplanes, I figured it was my parental duty to was free afterall, so Nick couldn't even be upset about it :o)

It was, however, very stressful and hectic in the beginning. Actually the whole day has been about time restraints for us. My goal was to leave the house by 7:30 am to make it to Rapid when the gaits opened at 9. (Aerial acts started at 11). We ended up getting out of here just before 8:30. After a quick stop at Office Max, we placed ourselves driving up to the main entrance of Ellsworth Airforce Base just in time to be smack dab in the middle of 2 lanes of stopped, bottle-necked traffic. The time ticked away, and there went 11 o'clock. Finally they diverted our road to going to a different parking area (light-years away) and we were able to park. I'm sure the satellite image of me sprinting our mini-van stroller with two kids, collectively weighing 70 pounds, across a mounded, (prickly) grassy field for approximately 1 mile would be quite entertaining. Despite dumping the kids off at 2 of the 3 drainage (drop-off) ditches along the way, we made pretty decent time. We got to the port-a-potties so Blakely could go potty (she first voiced she had to go at about minute 2 of our 35 minute traffic wait). I stuffed her and I into the stink box and noticed her shorts were wet. I asked her if she peed in her pants and she matter-of-factly pointed her finger in the air and said "but only just a little". Too bad so sad, we had no extra clothes in the stroller and the car might as well have been parked in Sundance. On we went. We got to walk through a large cargo plane, and look in the cockpit of a fighter jet. We got to watch some awesome aerial stunts and manuevers which Deklan could not quit "woohooo"ing about. He told me, "Mom, I just LOVE airshows!" I gotta admit, I was almost in tears seeing how happy he was to be there. All the while, the looming knowledge of trying to make it back to Sundance before 4 to hit a birthday party with "blow up castles" was eating at my organizational skills. Quickly, it was off to find food & souvenirs. Each kid got a toy plane, Blakely got some chicken strips and french fries, Deklan got a funnel cake, and I got the scraps that they didn't eat...after they were already licked, dropped on the ground, etc.

We made the journey back to the Armada, sticky-handed, and off we went to the mall to find Dad a hat for our anniversary. During the drive I asked Deklan what his favorite part was. Blakely spoke up first and said, "I liked getting fwench fwies....that was my favowite pawt." Not too unlike me as a child after an airshow, I imagine

We stopped at the mall and I let Blakely out, and then went around the back of the vehicle to get Deklan out. Blakely followed me. As I lead them to the doors, I noticed Blakely eating something. "Where did you get that??" I asked her. "From the back of the Armada.." and she pointed to the tailgate. Sure enough, there was the napkin and two chicken strips I set there while loading the stroller in the back end. They made the trip all the way from the base, along the interstate, and to the mall parking lot. She had already taken a few bites by the time I saw her, so I decided I wouldn't make her throw it down and she could just finish the rest.....hey, I made a judgement call....

To make a long story a little bit longer, we couldn't find a hat for Nick, the kids were totally naughty, and I was still stressing about our time crunch, not to mention hearing "are we gonna make it to the party??!" every 5 minutes. I finally had a Mom-Flip-Out moment and said NO! WE ARE NOT GOING TO THE PARTY! YOU TWO ARE BEING TOO NAUGHTY!...we got back on the interstate, the kids fell asleep, and I got to drink my Mt. Dew and calm down a bit. We got back to Sundance just in time to enjoy the last hour of the birthday party, complete with a bouncy castle, bouncy slide, playset (that is the envy of playsets everywhere), pizza, pop, a 3 tiered castle cake and filled cupcakes... pretty darn good party! And we aren't done yet...the kids are at the neighbors playing in the sprinkler and in an hour we'll be going to a barbecue. A pretty fun day...the only thing that could make this totally fun anniversary day better, would be if Nick were actually able to spend it with us too!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Hate the Word Hate.....

I'm transcribing a conversation Deklan is having with Blakely at the kitchen table. Blakely has learned the word "hate" from somewhere and has been getting into trouble lately for saying she hates Deklan. Apparently she has realized she can't say she hates other people, because she just told Deklan, "I hate myself." Deklan is being very patient and explaining: "Well if you hate yourself, then you hate God. Because yourself is your heart, and God is in your that pretty much means that you hate God, and that will make him cry." If A=B and B=C, then A=C right? :o)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


IMG_8031 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_8031 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
Deklan found and picked me some flowers for Mother's Day while exploring on the side of the hill outside our house. I should have put them in a book and pressed them. But I didn't think of that in the approximately 30 minutes that it took them to shrivel up and die. ;o)

Happy Mother's Day 2011!

This is our Mother's Day card we made this year. It's been raining every since- I don't think we have been outside since we took this picture :o(

Strong Winds....

Blakely went to the store with me yesterday. On our way out, I was walking ahead of her with the groceries. I heard her running to keep up with me.. pit pat pit pat pit pat DONG!!! I turned around just in time to see her smack right into the metal post holding up the overhang. She got ROCKED! She hit so hard it threw her backwards and she landed flat on her back. I feared blood... I ran over and picked her up. She was crying quite heavily by this point. I put her in the Armada and started to drive home telling her I'd snuggle her when we got in the house. I then asked "What happened? Were you not paying attention to where you were going?" She replied while crying. "No. I didn't watch where I was going and then I hit the pole!...and then the wind must have blowed me over!" (because she fell down :o)

Compliment...or Insult?

On the way home the other day Deklan said to me: "Mom, you have a skinny head." Thinking he was trying to compliment me, I replied "Oh. Thank you."

He then said, "You probably have a very small brain."


Easter Babes

IMG_7970 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7970 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
Blakely and Deklan with Aunt Michelle before church on Easter Sunday. Blakely loved that she got to wear a pretty dress and get all decked out. She had the works: pink (fur) coat, white hat, white gloves and a shiny purse! And Deklan...well despite being a very sensitive guy, I figured he would be 'tough enough' to wear pink to match his sister :o)

Easter Bunny Concerns...

IMG_7988 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7988 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
After driving through the night, we arrived at my parents' about 4:00 am. Blakely was awake for the last 20 minutes of the trip and witnessed the 2 feet of water we were having to drive through down our country road. When trying to get her to go to bed, she voiced a great concern and whimpered "Do you think the Eastah Bunny can HOP through all this??" She then threw out a very sad, pessimistic sniffle....

Hecla, SD Flooding

IMG_7934 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7934 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
We went back to Hecla for Easter this year and found the extended community surrounded by water! Roads were closed all over, and most open roads had their share of water to drive through.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blakely is 3!!

100_0303, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Happy Birthday to Blakely on February 27th! She chose a Princess cake for her 3rd birthday, and since she LOVES Cinderella (currently), I made her a Cinderella cake. She shared her party with Deklan's Rock 'n' Roll party. She gave her party go-ers lip gloss rings, princess tattoos and princess candy necklace kits. Everyone had fun, and it was nice to get two parties out of the way at the same time!

She voice her concern that once she was 3 that I wouldn't be able to hold her anymore, but I reassured her that wasn't true. She is still my tiny little Cakers!

Rock'n'Roll Birthday Boy!

100_0310, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Deklan celebrated his 5th birthday with a conjoined party with Blakely, on her actual birthday, February 27th. He wanted a drum cake so we went with the rock'n'roll theme and he loved it! Complete with iPod party favors sunglasses and Pop Rocks candy!

Ski Legs

100_0285, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Blakely is skiing for the first time, on Valentine's Day 2011! She didn't do too bad for 2 1/2, and she LOVED her pink helmet, and going on the "swings" (chair lift)!

Happy Valentine's Day!

One of the kids Valentine's Cards for 2011. Both kids enjoyed Valentine's Day this year with a gift of chocolates and stickers. Blakely got Ariel stickers and Deklan got some Justin Bieber stickers (sigh...he likes his music :o) Nick got a new hoodie and some shorts.....and I got a hug. :o) We then took the kids (Dek skipped his Valentine party at school, and I took the day off from work) and we hit Terry Peak for a little skiing and boarding. It was a great day!

Who, Me?

I heard a rumble.......

I turned around to figure out which one of my kids had just tooted.

Deklan denied it.

Blakely sort of denied it with her ever-so-thoughtful excuse of "No Mommy, that was just my heart beating tho tho fatht."

Clever. :o)

That excuse reminded me of the time Deklan was just 2 and I walked by him and said goofily "What is that smell?" (Knowing it was him and he probably needed a diaper change). Totally unphased, he continued to stare at the television and replied, "It's a onion.....don't check my pants."

So if you're ever by me and my kids and you smell or hear something, have no fear! It's either just an onion or Blakely's heart beating so, so fast!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

O.G. Readmore

It's official, Deklan is a reader. I'm calling it: Time of reading March 1st, 2011. (I watch a lot of doctor shows.)

I will give a short (maybe) play-by-play of the timeline of what will now go down in history as the Day Deklan Learned to Read....For Real.

It was a cold and blistery day...

...haha just kidding..

Deklan got a Tag Reading Pen for Christmas from Santa Claus. He got one book with it, and liked it enough, but kind of lost interest since the words in the Toy Story book were way beyond what he could "learn" to read. So for his birthday, Grandma Julie and Papa Barney bought him the Learn to Read Short Vowel set of books for his Tag pen. I was excited for him to play with them as he was already pretty close, I thought, to being able to read. Patience was the main concern. Otherwise he could already do a pretty good job of sounding things out and writing small words, etc.

I told him to go get his Tag pen. Oh, what's that Lassie? The pen is LOST? In a well? I mean HIS MESSY ROOM??? Of course it is. So we were without the Tag pen. I still wanted to look at the books with him so we sat down and started with the short vowel book of 'a'. I asked him to start sounding out the words, and after a brief explanation of how to pronouce "The" (he was seriously doing the Dumb & Dumber rendition of "te-heh, te-heh) he was off and reading! It was kind of crazy. Makes me wonder if he's been secretly reading at school for months...I would imagine his teacher would have mentioned this, but maybe she thought I already knew, I don't know :o) He then whizzed right on through o, e and i, before losing interest. He did inform me that he knew what vowels were, and "sometimes Y" he said. So every day when he comes home from school answering my "what did you do today" question with "nothing", I know he's lying.

Now this is very exciting to think he can start to read things himself, and be that little bit more independent. Deklan is super excited and can't wait to tell his teacher today when he goes to school. Despite my feelings of joy for my son, I can't help but think that this is going to be a big change for me as well. No longer will I be able to lie about what things say. For example, when asked what the words on the side of a pop can are, I can no longer answer, "it says "Not For Kids" or when we are going through the drive thru at McDonalds and the kids ask why we can't go in and play in the play land, I can't lie about phantom words saying "Play Land Closed."

Of course maybe some of these words are still big enough that I have a little time before I have to be an honest mother. Let's hope he doesn't learn very fast...haha just kidding!

An Angelic Poet

Blakely isn't feeling well so I let her lie on my lap on the couch last night to try to fall asleep instead of being in bed. She asked for a book so I started reading "the critter book." At the end of the book, "All By Myself" it says "goodnight". Blakely followed that by a grin and said "sleep tight." I added, "and don't let the....."

"monsters get you." True. One should not want the bed bugs to bite, OR to let the monsters get you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Deklan's Letter to Santa

This posting is a couple months late (obviously). My apologies.

The following was transcribed from Deklan's verbal letter to Santa.

"I love you Santa! And I want something what I want for Christmas. The thing that I want for Christmas is a Leapfrog Tag Reading System because it will learn me how to read. Deklan wants that for Christmas. I wasn't naughty. It's not a fib. Um....I have a beautiful tree with gornaments and Christmas lights and a star on the top. Angels are swinging by. Santa, you're the best. I never want to be on the naughty list. Now you can write the rest Mom... My family is a wonderful family. I want to thank Missy for my Mom and Nick for my Daddy. How can you write so fast Mama? My Christmas lights are shining. You have a naughty list and a good list. I love you. I love you. I'm not gonna say you have a long white beard. I think that would be too rude. Don't write that. I've been good all day. I thank my family and share. (I'm not gonna say I put a big sign on my door that says Blakely can't come in 'cuz that would put me on the naughty list.) Santa Claus, please get me a transformer. (I'm using my manners.) Thank you for giving me a transformer. I think that's it. (Hey did you write "I think that's it?" hahaha) What's a workshop? (Let's hang this up.) I like snow. You have a special sled with reindeer. Deklan"

U.S. Coast Guard Regulations...

While getting ready to go to a pool party for Dek's friend Karsen's birthday, I was "assembling" my swimsuit top, and inserting the thin pads that go in the top of the bikini. Blakely came into the bedroom and said excitedly, "Are you making my life jacket!!?"

I swear the pads are not that big....

Fun in the Sun

100_0226, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Here are the kids while playing outside last 50 degree weather. It is Tuesday today, and -20 with school cancellations all over due to the extreme cold. Crazy weather!


Today started as a 2 hour late start for school due to the extreme temperatures but school ended up being called off before it even began. We stayed in our pajamas all day and did minimal cleaning, but mostly lounged. The kicker is, that it was my day off, so we could have done this anyway, but school being canceled made it feel more necessary.

Despite lounging around, a lot went on today in our house full of four people. Earlier in the morning Deklan hollered from the bathroom to have me assist him in wiping his bottom. When I got in there, he scooted his bottom to the side and said, "Look Mom, and 'M'" and sure enough, there was a very nicely placed, squiggled 'M' made of fecal matter floating in the toilet. "I made it for you." He proudly boasted. I could say nothing but "Thank you." You can imagine the pride I was beaming with.

During a slight scolding later on, I explained to the kids that they have to be thankful for the toys they have and not act so selfish. Blakely, never phased by a scolding, quickly blurted "MOMMY! We not FISHES!!" I had to repeat what I said outloud to understand what she was talking about...those are the moments you can't help but smile and just move on.

We just finished supper and Deklan was hoping to "serve" us like a restaurant as he did last night. Nick and I each had a glass of wine with dinner last night and Deklan wanted to get us both a glass tonight. He said "Dad, what did you do with that wine? Where's that box?" (haha, yes we drink very expensive wine :o) Teasing him, Nick said "I hid it so you wouldn't drink it all." Deklan got defensive and threw back, "I wouldn't DRINK WINE!! I know better that that. I know that wine is just for HUMANS."

I've been beginning to wonder about that boy...especially after witnessing his advanced bowel skills.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Enjoy the Ride!

While I was posting on here, the kids were being very wild behind me in the living room playing and giggling. They were using a laundry basket as a boat. They both got in and I heard Deklan say "Please keep your hands and feet and bottom and pee-pee-balls in the boat at all times..."

Sundance's Claim to Fame...

I don't know if I've posted about this before, but for some reason Deklan seems to think that Jesus was a female. Whenever he mentions Jesus, he refers to Him as a 'Her'. He doesn't have any confusion using 'him/her' or 'he/she' in his day-to-day conversations. I've tried correcting him before, but he looks at me questionably like he isn't sure if he should believe me or not.

Today, when making a comment about God, Deklan said, "When Jesus was alive it was so long ago that no other people were alive. And I believe She lived on a farm on Sundance Mountain with God." I told him that other people were alive and that Jesus lived far away across the ocean.
Deklan: "Oh. Like in Pennsylvania?"

We DO Have Another Child!

So far, the only funny things being said or done in this family have basically been done by Deklan. But Blakely has been making a name or herself around here lately and is full of conversation and personality. Of course, since I'm a procrastinator, I have put off writing any of them down and unfortunately have now forgot most of the things Nick and I laughed so hard about with Blakely in the last few months. So here are two from this weekend that I haven't forgotten yet:

After realizing she left her Dora doll at the gym the other night, she suddenly lets out a gasp and cries, "I ah-got (forgot) my DORA DOLLY! She be ALL alone!" (Note: She DID forget her doll, but of course I wouldn't let both kids forget all their new Christmas presents that cost money at the gym, so I strategically took them to the car when they weren't looking...) I said, "Well I guess you better learn to take better care of your toys." Blakely came back with a very dramatic, "But she's my heart!" as she tilted her head to the side and placed her hand over her heart. Silly little girl.

On the way home from that basketball game, she was demanding a drink of pop. When I told her she could not have one, she responded with a very sweet voice, "But your Princess is thirsty!" followed by some eyelash batting.....where do they learn these things!?