Sunday, November 21, 2010

You Know I Don't Speak Spanish...

Deklan woke me up this morning telling me stories about school and the kid who 'says naughty words.' He told me he would NOT be repeating such words because he knew they were naughty. I told him he was given immunity if he would tell me right then. So he said, "well, he was...'Oh my (whisper) God'" Ok. I was thinking four letter words. I explained that it is something we choose not to say, but other people do, and he completed my sentence with "and we can't control other people, only OURSELVES!" (good boy- I say that every day and he apparently hears it.)

Anyway, he went on to tell me about how he got 'poked in the ass' at school the other day. I didn't know if I heard him correctly so I asked him to repeat it, wondering if he even realized he used a bad word. He calmly repeated it (a little slower to make sure I heard him) "I -got-poked-in-the-ASS." Hmmm.... I said, "Dek 'ass' is a naughty word for bottom." He looked at me slightly puzzled, and said 'No it's not, that's how I say 'ear' in Spanish."

I guess I better start monitoring their "Dora the Explorer" time.


  1. oh my gosh i just spit my coffee out everywhere... hahahah oh good stuff

  2. I have to start reading your posts more frequently! He makes me giggle!
