Thursday, February 4, 2010

What in the Dump?

Deklan was drilling me with questions about God and Jesus this afternoon while we were in the kitchen. I had mentioned quickly before about the differences of Heaven and Hell and how we perceive them both. I told him God lived in Heaven and is good and the Devil lived in Hell and is bad. Deklan asked, "God sent him there? And God started him on FIRE!?" I told him that God did not set the Devil on fire, but that's just kind of the way we think of hell- a fiery place.

"Hell is just a place that is hot and yucky and a place we don't want to be." I said.
Deklan quickly responded, "So Hell is like the DUMP?"

I couldn't help but smile and laugh at his little brain's idea of what Hell must be like. Deklan had a traumatic experience at the city dump earlier this fall when he freaked out and threw up on himself in Papa Gari's pick-up because of the terrible garbage smell. So to him, the dump is probably the closest comparison to hell on earth.

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