Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Hate the Word Hate.....

I'm transcribing a conversation Deklan is having with Blakely at the kitchen table. Blakely has learned the word "hate" from somewhere and has been getting into trouble lately for saying she hates Deklan. Apparently she has realized she can't say she hates other people, because she just told Deklan, "I hate myself." Deklan is being very patient and explaining: "Well if you hate yourself, then you hate God. Because yourself is your heart, and God is in your heart...so that pretty much means that you hate God, and that will make him cry." If A=B and B=C, then A=C right? :o)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


IMG_8031 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_8031 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
Deklan found and picked me some flowers for Mother's Day while exploring on the side of the hill outside our house. I should have put them in a book and pressed them. But I didn't think of that in the approximately 30 minutes that it took them to shrivel up and die. ;o)

Happy Mother's Day 2011!

This is our Mother's Day card we made this year. It's been raining every since- I don't think we have been outside since we took this picture :o(

Strong Winds....

Blakely went to the store with me yesterday. On our way out, I was walking ahead of her with the groceries. I heard her running to keep up with me.. pit pat pit pat pit pat DONG!!! I turned around just in time to see her smack right into the metal post holding up the overhang. She got ROCKED! She hit so hard it threw her backwards and she landed flat on her back. I feared blood... I ran over and picked her up. She was crying quite heavily by this point. I put her in the Armada and started to drive home telling her I'd snuggle her when we got in the house. I then asked "What happened? Were you not paying attention to where you were going?" She replied while crying. "No. I didn't watch where I was going and then I hit the pole!...and then the wind must have blowed me over!" (because she fell down :o)

Compliment...or Insult?

On the way home the other day Deklan said to me: "Mom, you have a skinny head." Thinking he was trying to compliment me, I replied "Oh. Thank you."

He then said, "You probably have a very small brain."


Easter Babes

IMG_7970 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7970 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
Blakely and Deklan with Aunt Michelle before church on Easter Sunday. Blakely loved that she got to wear a pretty dress and get all decked out. She had the works: pink (fur) coat, white hat, white gloves and a shiny purse! And Deklan...well despite being a very sensitive guy, I figured he would be 'tough enough' to wear pink to match his sister :o)

Easter Bunny Concerns...

IMG_7988 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7988 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
After driving through the night, we arrived at my parents' about 4:00 am. Blakely was awake for the last 20 minutes of the trip and witnessed the 2 feet of water we were having to drive through down our country road. When trying to get her to go to bed, she voiced a great concern and whimpered "Do you think the Eastah Bunny can HOP through all this??" She then threw out a very sad, pessimistic sniffle....

Hecla, SD Flooding

IMG_7934 by eyenetgraphics
IMG_7934 a photo by eyenetgraphics on Flickr.
We went back to Hecla for Easter this year and found the extended community surrounded by water! Roads were closed all over, and most open roads had their share of water to drive through.