Happy Birthday to Blakely on February 27th! She chose a Princess cake for her 3rd birthday, and since she LOVES Cinderella (currently), I made her a Cinderella cake. She shared her party with Deklan's Rock 'n' Roll party. She gave her party go-ers lip gloss rings, princess tattoos and princess candy necklace kits. Everyone had fun, and it was nice to get two parties out of the way at the same time!
She voice her concern that once she was 3 that I wouldn't be able to hold her anymore, but I reassured her that wasn't true. She is still my tiny little Cakers!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Blakely is 3!!
Rock'n'Roll Birthday Boy!
Deklan celebrated his 5th birthday with a conjoined party with Blakely, on her actual birthday, February 27th. He wanted a drum cake so we went with the rock'n'roll theme and he loved it! Complete with iPod party favors sunglasses and Pop Rocks candy!
Ski Legs
Blakely is skiing for the first time, on Valentine's Day 2011! She didn't do too bad for 2 1/2, and she LOVED her pink helmet, and going on the "swings" (chair lift)!
Happy Valentine's Day!
One of the kids Valentine's Cards for 2011. Both kids enjoyed Valentine's Day this year with a gift of chocolates and stickers. Blakely got Ariel stickers and Deklan got some Justin Bieber stickers (sigh...he likes his music :o) Nick got a new hoodie and some shorts.....and I got a hug. :o) We then took the kids (Dek skipped his Valentine party at school, and I took the day off from work) and we hit Terry Peak for a little skiing and boarding. It was a great day!
Who, Me?
I turned around to figure out which one of my kids had just tooted.
Deklan denied it.
Blakely sort of denied it with her ever-so-thoughtful excuse of "No Mommy, that was just my heart beating tho tho fatht."
Clever. :o)
That excuse reminded me of the time Deklan was just 2 and I walked by him and said goofily "What is that smell?" (Knowing it was him and he probably needed a diaper change). Totally unphased, he continued to stare at the television and replied, "It's a onion.....don't check my pants."
So if you're ever by me and my kids and you smell or hear something, have no fear! It's either just an onion or Blakely's heart beating so, so fast!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
O.G. Readmore
I will give a short (maybe) play-by-play of the timeline of what will now go down in history as the Day Deklan Learned to Read....For Real.
It was a cold and blistery day...
...haha just kidding..
Deklan got a Tag Reading Pen for Christmas from Santa Claus. He got one book with it, and liked it enough, but kind of lost interest since the words in the Toy Story book were way beyond what he could "learn" to read. So for his birthday, Grandma Julie and Papa Barney bought him the Learn to Read Short Vowel set of books for his Tag pen. I was excited for him to play with them as he was already pretty close, I thought, to being able to read. Patience was the main concern. Otherwise he could already do a pretty good job of sounding things out and writing small words, etc.
I told him to go get his Tag pen. Oh, what's that Lassie? The pen is LOST? In a well?..er I mean HIS MESSY ROOM??? Of course it is. So we were without the Tag pen. I still wanted to look at the books with him so we sat down and started with the short vowel book of 'a'. I asked him to start sounding out the words, and after a brief explanation of how to pronouce "The" (he was seriously doing the Dumb & Dumber rendition of "te-heh, te-heh) he was off and reading! It was kind of crazy. Makes me wonder if he's been secretly reading at school for months...I would imagine his teacher would have mentioned this, but maybe she thought I already knew, I don't know :o) He then whizzed right on through o, e and i, before losing interest. He did inform me that he knew what vowels were, and "sometimes Y" he said. So every day when he comes home from school answering my "what did you do today" question with "nothing", I know he's lying.
Now this is very exciting to think he can start to read things himself, and be that little bit more independent. Deklan is super excited and can't wait to tell his teacher today when he goes to school. Despite my feelings of joy for my son, I can't help but think that this is going to be a big change for me as well. No longer will I be able to lie about what things say. For example, when asked what the words on the side of a pop can are, I can no longer answer, "it says "Not For Kids" or when we are going through the drive thru at McDonalds and the kids ask why we can't go in and play in the play land, I can't lie about phantom words saying "Play Land Closed."
Of course maybe some of these words are still big enough that I have a little time before I have to be an honest mother. Let's hope he doesn't learn very fast...haha just kidding!
An Angelic Poet
"monsters get you." True. One should not want the bed bugs to bite, OR to let the monsters get you.