Friday, June 26, 2009

Because of the popularity of the following stories via e-mail, I decided to throw them up on the blog for others to enjoy....

May 28, 2009:
Deklan comes into the office and asks to play store. I oblige. He presents his first object, a drum, that he says he's buying for his girlfriend. I asked what his girlfriend's name was.
He paused, and then responded, "well there's more than one."
"More than one girlfriend?"
"Well they will be mad if you can't remember their names."
"I will go ask them their names."
Deklan left the office and I heard him arguing out in the living room, yelling ' I SAID, WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?'
I heard no response from the girls.
Deklan walked back into the store and said promptly, "One of their name's is Bunny Rabbit, one is Orange, and one"
There was a brief pause. He shyly looked up at me in the eyes, and said, "I love them."

He purchased the drum for $7.00, stated he needed it in a bag, and left the store. But I'm not worried, I'll see him again. A man with three girlfriends who only purchased one drum, will be back for more.

June 10, 2009:
To give a background for this short story, I have had to instruct Deklan in the past (and present) to talk loudly when speaking to my mom due to her hearing impairments.

"She can't hear very well because her ears are broken."

I have said this numerous times, as this is the best way I can describe the situation to a once 2 year old, and now 3 year old.

Another thing that has been repeatedly expressed from my mouth is, "Do NOT poop in your pants!"

Two days ago, Deklan comes up beside me at the computer and says boldly, "Mom, are my ears broken?"
"What?" I replied.
"Are my ears broken?......'cuz I just pooped in my pants a little."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blakely's Dirty Cheetos 6/21/09

IMG_1436, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Deklan Fishing 6/21/09

IMG_1432, originally uploaded by eyenetgraphics.

Father's Day Fishing

What could be more fun than taking our little kids fishing for Fathers Day!??.....a lot of things, considering they are of the ages of 3 and 1, but we did it anyway.

We decided we would go up into Moskee to a little trout pond called Spotted Tail, to get the kids outside and go fishing. Deklan really enjoys going fishing now that he has his very own Mickey Mouse fishing pole. The roads and trails getting up to Spotted Tail are quite rocky, bumpy and narrow at times, so you have to travel pretty slow and it took us almost two hours to get there. Deklan slept for part of the trip, and then woke up and proceeded to ask the many questions that 3 year olds do...."Where are we now?"....."Where are we NOW?"....."Are we almost there?"...."When are we getting to DragonTales?".."Are we still up in Whiskey (Moskee)?"...."Dad, you're a crazy driver!"......"Don't drive too close to the edge or we'll fall and and break our heads open." (He has his mother's paranoid concern for safety when driving along the edges of ravines and cliffs)

Once we got to Spotted Tail, Deklan got set up first and sat down ready to catch one of the many fish we saw jumping in the pond. He requested a bag of chips and a beer (just kidding about the beer) and he was good to go. Blakely was very excited to be out in the open with all sorts of things to explore. She was quickly set up with Cheetos and had a healthy portion of cheese flavored dirt the rest of the afternoon.

We only caught one fish the entire time we were there- which was only about an hour- but that is a long time dealing with young children toddling around water and eating dirt and rocks. We packed back up and headed out, realizing it was a lot of effort and stress to take our mere two children out of the house, but knowing it was worth it by the dirty, cheesy smiles on our kids faces. Their sleeping heads bobbled around down the rocky, bumpy roads all the way back to Sundance, and Deklan considers it 'a very fun adventure.'

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why Blog?

This blog will hopefully be a solution to a problem of mine....I talk to much. I think I'm one of those people that other people end up regretting talking to. I don't have the ability to answer a simple question without going into an explanation or story about it. This is why I'm terrible at those "All about me" e-mail forwards (see, here I go again) If a question asks simply, "Have you ever roasted a marshmallow?" I answer "Yes...this one time when I was 5....etc" I do the same in conversation.

I attribute this 'flaw' to the fact that I have a, self-proclaimed, great memory and I'm a sentimental sap. So even though I realize you probably don't care to hear about, it brings me joy by simply reminiscing out loud. I have a feeling my future grandkids are going to hate me..... blogging, and getting memories, thoughts, ideas and rambles out on the computer, I may, just MAY, be saving you from hearing them from my mouth. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hi, My name is Missy, and I'm a Blogger.....

Here it first blog..well sort of- I've attempted, on a few other occasions, to capture my thoughts and kiddie stories on-line, but I swear this one will work!! Please continue to check back with us... you never know what crazy things were are capable of, and I might just write about them.